Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day

Today is Valentine's Day, and everyone is feeling bipolar about this holiday. If you go onto facebook, you will see 100 status's saying: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY or I love my boyfriend! or Thank you so much for the flowers and chocolate baby. Then you see 100 other status's saying: Happy Single Awareness Day or I hate valentines day!

Why do you have to be either REALLY HAPPY or really sad about valentine's day? Maybe you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend to share it with or even a crush to try to impress, but this holiday is about love! Love your friends, your family, your teachers, or the staff at your apartment. Take this special day to show people how much you appreciate them. Like in elementary school, when you were required to get everyone in the class a valentine. Let's go back to that, and bring back the fun to this holiday!

Hope everyone had a great day <3


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