Thursday, February 17, 2011

Study Study Study

Since my roommate Emily was sick as a dog with the flu (poor thing!!), we decided to leave the dorm and head to the Medical Sciences Library to study for the night. My best friend/roommate Amalia and our two friends, Kaylie and Sarah, began our trek to the library. From our apartment it is probably a mile away, and since it was a gorgeous evening, we decided to walk.
Amalia always studies at the library and I never understood why she couldn’t just study in our room at her desk? But now... I finally know why! We arrived and I immediately liked what I saw: Huge building, big windows, bright lights, tons of computers, and a lot of QUIET people. We went to the front desk and rented laptops and rented out a study room, so if we wanted to talk we wouldn’t disturb anyone else. I had a Spanish and English test to study for. I can honestly say, I have never felt so productive as I did at the library. I did all of my homework and then some. I studied for both of my tests for a long time.
In conclusion, I would recommend to anyone who is looking to create new study habits, go to A library. It doesn’t have to be the Medical Sciences one, there are many to choose from. Being at a new location, other than your apartment is nice so you get a change in atmosphere. So if you hate your roommate, cant study because your TV tempts you too much, or simply are just looking for a way to shake your study habits up, definitely head to one of the facilities that A&M provides. You will be happy you did.

1 comment:

Cori said...

Nice Tombo! I was never a fan of studying at the library, but I know a ton of people are more productive there!