Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frat Boys...

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people disrespect other people. Where it is through verbal or physical action, I don't like disrespectful people. Since I was a little girl, I have tried to follow the golden rule: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." Why can't everyone follow this?

My most recent example of witnessing disrespect included the floor of my dorm and a group of Fraternity boys. One Thursday night, it was late and I had just gotten back from babysitting. I was greeting my roommates when all of a sudden we heard a loud bang from the hallway. We rushed out there to see what happened and we came to find a group of 4 fraternity boys: dumb and intoxicated. They had punched holes in the hall and knocked down a hanging "EXIT" sign. Stunned to be witnessing what just happened, we asked what they were doing. Through their drunken slurs, they explained to us that they can do whatever they want because they pay to live here. My roommates and I explained how unfair that is because now the workers are going to have to repair the frat boy's stupid mistakes. They replied to us, "Who cares? That is their job. We pay money so they can repair this stuff."

After hearing this, I had to step back and think for a minute. 2 thoughts went through my head:
1- Do their parents really send checks to "repair holes" or pay rent?
2- I hope they get caught and are forced to repair the hall way.

Is this what the world is coming to? Is this what the men of my generation are going to be like? How can people be so disrespectful?!!! If it is not your property, don't mess with it. PERIOD.

Final word to the frat boys, girls are NOt attracted to ignorant, drunken boys with immature behavior!


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