Sunday, February 27, 2011

I would like to thank...

Since there are so many great things going on in my life right now, I wanted to do a blog post and talk about a few very important people in my life and tell you why they mean so much to me.

Dad- SO incredibly hard working. You always Encourage me to be the best person I can be every single day. It takes a great man to raise 3 daughters so well. I love you daddy ;-)

Mom- One of the most supportive and openminded people I know. You always help me understand situations from every perspective. You have become one of my best friends who I feel comfortable telling anything to.

Cori (married to Jacob)- My oldest sister who is also one of my best friends. You give me your honest opinion on everything, even if it might not be what I want to hear. You give great advice that always helps and you can always make me laugh. I can always count on you. 

Ruthie (married to Jon)- My other sister who is my other best friend. I have often referred to you as my "voice of reason." You always help me make decisions or give me guidance through others. I am going to be an Aggie just like you, which is special. You are also always there for me. 

Love you both Sissys!

James (AKA Buggie)- My wittle baby. My 12 year old brother, who acts grown up but is still my baby. You are one of my role models because you have taught me how to be a better person. You are so mature and smart for your age. I know your tough athleticism and brains will take you far in life. I am proud of you in everything you do, and I know you are proud of me.

Kelli Ho- My only dog I have ever had. You are my 3rd sister and have taught me a lot. I love playing with you and watching you do all your funny things. Love you Ho girl.

Cole- Not many people could go through what you have and come out on top. You have a strength that I wish I had. The way you care for people is so deep and genuine, it makes me feel lucky to have you. You are ALSO one of my best friends and can always make me laugh. Love you doll!

Amalia- My besttttt friend and rooomieee 4 evaa. We have been togeth for SO long it is crazy. I am so happy to be with you through the "college experience." I would never want anyone else as my bunk mate. Thanks for being there for me and showing me the way through a lot of things. I can always count on you. Thanks and gig 'em.

As you can see, I am a lucky girl. I have been blessed with so many wonderful people in my life. If I listed everyone who means something to me... it would take probably 1,000,000 blog posts.
I hope everyone has a great evening and thinks about those who mean most to them!


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