Monday, March 21, 2011


As you can see, I haven't posted a blog in a long time. I had a "good bye" post on my way to South Padre and so today I am fully recovered and ready to talk about my Spring Break!

We left bright and early on Monday March 14th (my best friend Amalia's birthday!) Before we got to enjoy ourselves, a few minor crisis's occurred. One of my friends who went with us, Taylor, left her phone on top of the car, which resulted in a shattered screen. Then I got a call from my mom saying I had forgotten my debit card at home, so I had no money! (Luckily I have nice people who took care of me!) The last bad thing to happen was when we finally got to the condo, The Suntide III, and we were getting ready to go to the beach, I realized I had forgotten my duffle bag which contained all of my clothes and swim suits for the week... how could this happen?! I honestly do NOT know how dumb I must be to forget my suitcase! After freaking out for a few minutes, I made arrangements to have my bag overnight shipped to me (Thanks Mr. Smith!)

Besides these three setbacks, everything went wonderfully. Everyday we would wake up around 11a, get ready, be down to the beach around 1 and go to "Coca Cola Beach" the rest of the day. This was the area on the beach where every single person surrounding you was a college student. It is a huge area in front of a hotel with a stage, loud music, contests, college flags, beer pong, kegs... and girls gone wild! (Don't worry Dad, I steered clear of those boys.)

It was absolutely NUTS! We stayed at Coca Cola Beach each day until around 5pm when we walked back to our condo, showered, and took a much deserved nap. AHHH! This was the life! We would roll out of bed around 8pm and get ready for dinner and the clubs. We went to dinner to all different local restaurants... fun and yummy! After dinner we went to a few of the college clubs, those were pretty crazy fun... Just way too crowded for me. This is what we did every day for the entire week. I felt so relaxed and calm the entire trip.

Unfortunately, Friday rolled around and we had to leave. I was sad because I knew that meant I had to come back to school. I guess the upside is it brings us THAT much closer to summer!

All in all it was a great trip. We were safe, smart, and still managed to have a blast. I would recommend it to any COLLEGE student and I will definitely go back.

Here are some pictures from the trip


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