Thursday, April 7, 2011


When it comes to videos/movies, I am an expert. Ever since I was a little girl, my Gramma always tells me... I would always ask her to watch "Moomies (aka Movies.) Now that Youtube has become so popular, I have discovered a few videos that are my absolute faves and I wanted to share with everyone. (Most of these come from my sisters sharing them with me)

1- Baby scared of Mom blowing nose

2- Guilty Dog!

3- Ares trying on shoes (this is actually my sister Cori's youtube page, she is video taping her "nephew" Ares.)

4- Baby Falling asleep on couch

5- Britney Spears on Drugs

6- Erica Ross

7- "Saturday" Parody

8- One Man Disney Movie


Cori said...

I CANNOT believe a single Athena video did not make this list!! She is so upset with you!!!

Tomi Fanning said...

Hahaha! There were too many to choose from ;-/