Monday, May 2, 2011

My New Hobby

The other night, I turned on TLC, (one of my favorite channels), Extreme Couponing was on. It is a show that follows diferent people every week and watches their crazy couponing tactics. People spend up to 60 hours a week clipping coupons and planning for their trips to the store.  A lady bought $600 worth of grocereis and after her coupons were scanned her total was reduced to $6. How is this possible?!?!

Every Sunday, I will skim the paper for coupons and if there is a good one for toilet paper or deodorant, then I will use it. But I have NO idea how people can get over $500 off a bill with coupons. One man on the show explained how he was $17,000 in debt, so he and his wife decided to start clipping coupons. A few years later, they are debt free! My friends and I were thinking about starting to do this. Hopefully I will get good enough to be on the show.... OR NOT!



Lindsay said...

I love this show! I always say i am going to clip more coupons.. but i never get around to it :)
Miss you!

Natalie and Lee said...

Just came across your fabulous blog! I am trying to coupon and I always forget about them!haha At least I'm trying! Loving your blog:)

Tomi Fanning said...

Thank you... it is more then a hobby, its a JOB! Nice to meet you and love your blog too!