Monday, May 23, 2011

Curse you economy..... NOT!!

For the past 3 or 4 years, every summer I have had at least one job lined up. Whether it was working at a smoothie shop, nannying, or teaching swim lessons... I knew that if I wanted "extras" or "fun money", I had to earn it myself.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe teenagers when I hear, "I can't find a job, the economy is SO bad." No... Not true. Lower your standards, maybe you can't get your dream job, but YES there is a job out there. My best friend Amalia had a job lined up for the summer and it unexpectedly fell through, so she went out and literally in ONE day had a job at Palm Beach Tan.

Maybe it is just me, but if I wasn't working, I would be poor and BORED out of my mind.

GO TO WORK!! ;-)



Cori said...

Well said Tombo!!

Webb Things said...

StarBucks is ALWAYS looking for good hard working Baristas! I know at my store I can ALWAYS use the extra help :) They're great with schedules as well! Very true though, When I moved to a town over populated with Military and their families I thought I would never find a job..and Everyone always complained how hard it was to find one.. Hmm.. Ive been a Manager at a few places now and Now Im the manager for 1 of the 3 starbucks out here. :) Easy peasy! Glad you have a good head on your shoulders girl!

Tomi Fanning said...

Thank you Cori and Thank you Nicole!